Location: Aryabhatta College Campus,Chachiyavas,Ajmer

knowledge of preventive
Fresh Air and Positive Enviroment
Proper Nutrition and Healthy Diet
Why Choose Us

At Our Clinic Our
Doctors Specialize in you.

  • More Experience
  • Emergency Help Available 24/7
  • Quality Care For Every Patient
  • Trusted Medical Treatment
  • Only Qualified Doctors
  • Medical Research Professionals
  • Temple for mental peace and positive thinking
  • Proper Nutrition Diet
  • Peacefully Enviroment
  • Pure & Fresh Water
  • Pure & Fresh Air
About Us

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a relentless disease characterized by the unchecked growth and spread of abnormal cells within the body. These rogue cells can infiltrate and damage healthy tissues and organs, often leading to life-threatening consequences. It arises from genetic mutations, environmental factors, or a combination of both, making it a complex and challenging condition to combat. While medical advancements have improved treatment outcomes, cancer remains a formidable adversary, underscoring the importance of early detection and ongoing research to enhance prevention and therapies.

How to Avoid Cancer?

  • Know Your Family History
  • Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
  • Screening and Early Detection
  • Avoid Tobacco and Limit Alcohol
Satisfied Patients
Regular Doctors

Show Statistics About Cancer Patients

Number of people with cancer in India, through 2019 (in Thousands)

Number of deaths by cause, India, 2017 (in Thousands)

Cancer death rates by age group, India, 2017 (Age-standardized)

Cancer deaths by Tracheal, bronchus, and lung cancer, India, 2017 (in Thousands)